
aviation industry

Private Jet Charter Rocks Aviation Industry

For private charters, the clients can board their flight an hour after booking, without enduring the complexities of airport security. The clients can also board or alight at smaller, private airports that are near to their destinations. During the flight, the clients also have the option of turning the plane cabin into a miniature office.

How to Charter a Private Jet to Europe for Just £500

Taking a private jet can be a wonderful experience, but it is often just too expensive for the average person. Because of this, it is great to know that there are jets available at an incredibly reasonable rate. In fact, you can charter a jet for under £500 if this is something that you feel you would be interested in doing. Knowing how to begin charting a jet is the first step to taking a glorious trip..

The Real Advantages Of Private Jets

A private jet charter ensures that you rent an entire aircraft as opposed to paying for one seat. The plane charter ensures that you enjoy ground services such as being transported to and from the meetings.

Biofuel discovery could soon power jet planes

Jet fuel can be made using a fungus found in soil, rotting fruits and decaying leaves.

Risks Involved in Hiring Charter and Private Aircraft

Although it may seem like it would be safer to utilize a charter plane for private jet charter, there are inherently more risks associated with flying in this manner over commercial airlines.

Busy College Hopefuls Now Tour Campuses by Jet

Jet hire, a longstanding part of the aviation industry, has now been customized for prospective college students and their families by Magellan Jets, which offers tailored private jet charter to and from campuses.