
plane travelling

What You Need to Know About Alcohol on Airplanes?

After boarding the flight, your first thoughts may be to order an alcoholic drink or two to enjoy the flight or maybe calm your nerves. However, a recent study highlights that drinking alcohol when aboard before taking a nap could… Continue Reading →

Tips to Choose the Best Seats on an Airplane

Ever been on a long-haul flight cramped up in the airplane seat and had a terrible backache at the end of the day? We know how it feels, and it isn’t fun! While we love looking at First Class and… Continue Reading →

How Dangerous is Turbulence to Your Plane?

Ever hit a rough patch in the middle of your flight and think if you’re ever going to make it home safely? From casual bumps to major bruises, you might have seen a lot, especially if you’re a frequent flier…. Continue Reading →

Best Airplanes for Flying Long-Haul Flights

Whether you’re flying economy or business, aeroplane models & airline designs are coming under scrutiny from passengers looking to get comfortable travelling in the sky, without breaking the bank. Most seating configurations in airlines don’t differ much. That’s why knowing… Continue Reading →

Best Airlines with Amazing In-flight Entertainment

Long-haul flights or otherwise, it’s always great to catch up on some entertainment during the flight. It’s not only a great way to entertain the tiny tots, but parents can also catch up on some of their favourite TV shows…. Continue Reading →

Top Tricks to Sleeping Pleasantly on a Plane

Are you one of the fliers who won’t conk out (get tired and sleep) during a flight? If you’ve had trouble sleeping blissfully on a plane, keep reading for some cool tips. Avoid alcohol and caffeine Alcohol on a flight… Continue Reading →