Air travel has increasingly become one of the most common methods to travel from one part of the world to the other. While it may not be the most cost-effective in some instances, it is also considered to be the safest. Even if you fly every week, every few months or every couple of years, there are certain in-flight secrets you may not know. Here are the top 5 flying secrets:

Aeroplane lavatories can unlock from the outside

Toilets lock from the inside, but aeroplane lavatories have a special mechanism that allows flight attendants to unlock the doors in turbulence. It’s more of a safety & security measure than it is about your privacy invasion if that’s what you’re concerned about!

Tray Tables are superficially clean

Since the pandemic, special measures have been taken to disinfect and clean every surface of the aircraft. But flight experts recommend carrying sanitising wipes to clean off your tray table before you begin using them. Passengers use these tray tables to nap, eat, use as a play area for kids and even change diapers! So wipe them clean before using them!

Flight Attendants & Pilots have talking restrictions

Contrary to what everyone sees in Hollywood, pilots & flight attendants don’t spend their time talking or chit-chatting. Flight attendants are not allowed to contact pilots when the plane is below 10,000 feet. That’s because this period of flight requires pilots to complete checks, cross-check instruments, communicate with air traffic control and enter data into the flight computer. It’s a whole process!

Avoid drinking water

Before you drink in aeroplane, think again! The Environmental Protection Agency tested over 10 planes in 2004 and 2012 that found high levels of coliform in their water. This is not life-threatening just yet but is said to hold dangerous micro-organisms like E.coli. Carry a reusable bottle and refill it on the terminal before you board. You need to stay hydrated! The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) now requires planes to have their water supply tested once a year.

The Emergency Oxygen mask lasts for 15 minutes

It may sound scary, but the emergency oxygen mask has a limited time of use. There’s nothing to worry about! Even if the oxygen mask does deploy, the pilot will work on dropping the aeroplane’s altitude quickly to make sure the air is breathable. What’s important is that you get that mask over your nose as quickly as possible!