In the last decades there have not been significant advances in airplanes engines. While in the 1980’s jet propulsion engines were improved and widely introduced in the airplane market, there have not been significant advances since then.
Even some designs of other type of engines – like turboprops- used today were made in the 1950’s.

So are engineers working on anything new? Yes. Hydrogen engines. This new kind of engines that are radically different from what’s used now may be closer than you think.

There have been many recent tests on using hydrogen as fuel in many technological fields. Aviation is not the exception.

Boeing has successfully completed several tests of a new prototype that will allow aircraft to… SEVEN DAYS!
The engine designed and developed by Ford Motor Company will flight on the stratosphere and it was tested in a simulated altitude of 65,000.

Why is this much better?
1) Hydrogen combustion is much more efficient and cleaner than oil fuel combustion.
Environmental damage produced by airplanes has been very questioned in the last decades as one of the top sources.

2) Travelling times would be drastically reduced.

Of course this is still experimental and a few years may be left for this technology to be applied on commercial airplanes. But it is still exciting to know there are real scientific advances on technologies that are more efficient and respectful with our planet.

We will keep you informed about future advances!