
flight travelling

Top Reasons to Sit in the Aisle Seat on Planes

Air travellers typically have the enduring question to answer – window or aisle seat. While planes are flying less full, passengers who prefer the aisle seats may just get their pick. Window proponents may still skip the choice to enjoy… Continue Reading →

Things To Know When Flying For The First Time

First-time flying is an exhilarating experience and there’s so much excitement as you want to cherish each memory. However, with excitement also comes fear, maybe the fear of flying or not knowing what to expect. Here’s all you need to know about first-time flying.

Enjoy In-Flight Celebrations On Planes With Secret Services

Who wouldn’t love celebration cakes, candles, and champagne service, on their special day? It could be a birthday, an anniversary, or a honeymoon, and flying on a special day should remain as exciting. Imagine the glow when you see your loved one enjoy the customized surprise. If that’s exciting, then remember that some airlines offer secret services to enhance the journey.